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What happened at the CV Show?

Held at Birmingham NEC arena, the CV Show of 2021 demonstrated just how much the pandemic had left its mark on the industry. Our experience proved to be quite fruitful however, interacting with existing and new customers face to face. Our giveaway competition also scored interest – an M&S Hamper along with an Amazon £50 gift voucher, who wouldn’t want that?

The three-day event

Our first day really showed how important the setup was. The pacing of visitors picked up after the early hours of the morning, lasting till the early afternoon. The interactions were thick and fast, the D4Drivers merchandise did a great job of satisfying all visitors who arrived at our stand.

Our network of contacts had certainly grown, however the second day gave us a more curious audience. Ranging from transport managers, to directors, and even haulage industry consultants. We found numerous opportunities to network with other exhibitors, even meeting up with familiar faces such as Lymm Truckwash and the RHA.

The final day had seen fewer numbers, yet still provided us with the experience we hoped for by attending the show. Overall, we considered the event to be a success and could see the results already begin to show a week later.

It goes without saying, we certainly felt the repercussions of the recent pandemic and could see it being felt amongst many businesses and individuals within the industry.

What we all know

With the backlog of DVLA requests and the HGV crisis with a shortage of drivers, these are both clear examples of how the transport industry has been affected in the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And alongside this, pressure continues to grow on the NHS.

Drivers have finally managed to get through the initial setbacks, yet are still having to go through one final hurdle: getting a driver medical. With over 85 clinics nationwide, D4Drivers are committed to working with and for drivers within the industry. For further information on our driver medicals, be sure to get in touch with our team.