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Latest News Posted: 8 March 2021

International Women’s Day

To mark International Women’s Day, we thought we’d hand the blog over to a female lorry driver who passed her Class 2 at the age of 18!

Emma Stevens (aka thequeenbtrucker) is now 27-years-old and a lorry driver based in Somerset.

We asked her where it all began…

“If someone had told me back in school that I was going to be a lorry driver at 18, I would have laughed!

“I used to ride shotgun with my dad for many years as a kid. I had no idea what I wanted to do when I left school and college so I went with my dad on a few night shifts on tarmac work. I then thought to myself ‘how hard could it be?’ 

“At the age of 18 I passed my Class 2. I started off driving a 12 ton DAF doing local deliveries but soon got fed up with doing that so asked my dad if I could drive the 8-wheelers and do nights. I went on to do nights for 2 years and really enjoyed it!

“At the start of 2014 I passed my Class 1 (I’ve never used it, but I’ve always had it under my belt). A couple of months after that I asked my dad about setting up our own company – he laughed and didn’t take me seriously to start with, but with gentle persuasion he said yes!

“At the age of 20 I became an owner driver and bought my first lorry. I worked in Tarmacs Quarry for a few years, starting off on nights then jumping on to days permanently.

In 2017 I bought a brand new scania G450 and changed to Wainwrights Quarry. The old man soon joined me in 2018 with another brand new Scania G450 and I passed my International Operators CPC. 

“So, here we are in 2021!  I’ve just sold my 2017 scania and soon expect my 2021 Scania R540.

“Women can do it just as well as men… sometimes even better!”