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Latest News Posted: 30 May 2022

Driver Screening – Driver Health & Well-being

Did you know…a professional driver could be driving for 27 years without a medical assessment!

This is because a HGV or bus driver who gains their entitlement at the age of 18, won’t have to complete another medical until they reach the age of 45. That’s 27 years of not having their health checked! And even in their 40s, 50s and early 60s when a person’s health naturally deteriorates, the DVLA only requires professional drivers to then have a medical every 5 years. This is despite HGV drivers being shown to suffer from much higher rates of heart disease, sleep apnoea and mental illness than workers in many other industries. Drivers must check their vehicle every day for defects and issues, yet their health is not monitored.

We can help maintain a healthy and happy workforce…by introducing Driver Screening

Why should you screen your drivers?

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Act 1999 and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 mean that employers have a legal duty to ensure that employees who are expected to drive as part of their work are safe to do so and being medically fit is an important element of that.

If your business employs staff whose role involves driving, then you should consider implementing a driver screening programme.


Here are the benefits:

  • Reduce the risk and associated costs of health-related incidents to your business
  • Demonstrate the importance of your drivers to the business
  • Monitor the health of your drivers more regularly and identify issues early making them easier to treat
  • Receive confirmation from a professional that your drivers continue to meet DVLA standards

At D4Drivers, we believe that the health and wellbeing of the driver is just as important as the condition of the vehicle, and that drivers should be assessed more regularly to ensure the safety of all road users. That’s why we provide a driver screening service which enables businesses to do just that. We have launched not one, but two services for Driver Screening to cater for ALL professional drivers. You can now screen your drivers to a group 1 or group 2 standard for the same price.

Driver Screening: This assessment is made against a Group 1 standard, perfect for drivers of company cars and vans.

Advanced Driver Screening: This is the same medical exam as above, but for the advanced assessment we measure the driver against the more stringent Group 2 standards, recognising that companies with employees driving hazardous chemicals, fuel and HGV’s might want a more in-depth assessment.

What’s involved in the assessment?

The Driver Screening assessment is broken down as below, with options to add any further tests and checks if required:

  • Blood pressure check
  • Vision and field of vision test
  • Diabetes (Urine test)
  • Medical history questionnaire
  • Review of medications
  • Mental health check
  • Cardiac investigation
  • Height & weight check
  • Lifestyle assessment
  • Neurological health audit

Optional driver screening add-ons:

  • Drug & Alcohol testing
  • ECG*
  • Cholesterol check*

How does it work?

  • Book an appointment at any of our convenient 110 locations nationwide
  • Your driver is assessed by one of our experienced doctors against your chosen DVLA standard
  • We confirm the result with you via a fitness certificate which is emailed to you within 24 hours
  • Any driver who fails to meet the standard, will be given details as to why and the recommended actions
  • Screening can be repeated yearly and/or periodically based on the needs of the business

Now, more than ever, we are starting to see a shift and focus to driver health because of the benefits it brings to both the drivers and the business. You can enquire about our new service here: